maanantai 13. elokuuta 2012

I used to write letters / I used to sign my name

Apparently it is possible to create your own font that is actually usable for free, with very little effort (unless you want your own font look better than my pathetic squiggles) I am very excited about this if you can't tell. Not that I'll use my font anywhere. Or do anything at all with it. But it is nice, knowing I could. Behold!

Yeah, my actual handwriting looks more or less like that. I'm not proud of it or anything, and I kind of pity my penpals who have to decipher my writing on a monthly basis.
Anyway, if you want to make your own, you can do so here.
And if you want to download mine for some reason, you can do that by clicking here.

1 kommentti:

  1. you used to update your blog regularly. I am waiting for your next post.
