perjantai 29. kesäkuuta 2012

So let's take a ride and see what's mine.

The Sisterhood of Total Failure.
The Communist and the Merry Band of Bandits.
Happy Dystopia Utopia.
The Worst Snipers Ever.
Petri Nygård was here.
No Zombie Grannies from Åland!
Pretty Decent Coffee, if I say so myself.
When everything else fails, Try Socialism.

The weekend of life and camping and wrong destinations (not that anyone cares about Nuuksio anyway.)
I would explain but no one's interested and it's funnier this way.


To promised land


Finally not there but somewhere else

Excuse me I'm tired of naming this shit

As long as you protect something

There was some...

...ruin raiding.

The Worst Snipers ever. 

Traditional local cuisine

To the Moon and beyond.


Joy. Clearly.

Not all of us woke up.

Now excuse me while I go and sleep 'til next year.

perjantai 22. kesäkuuta 2012

reading jpeg format

I'm not at home, and I photographed something. This is unusual.
My friend lives in the middle of nowhere a half an hour bus ride away from civilization, and that's where I am for the midsummer's eve. This marks first midsummer's eve in a very long time that I've done something other than sitting at home on computer. Hurrah and all.

I like to tell everyone that I'm a photographer, but in truth I rarely take photos. I also like to pretend that this is because of my crappy camera, but that's not true either. I'm just lazy, okay?

tiistai 19. kesäkuuta 2012

Quiet, stiff.

Russian cartoon: Sherlock Holmes & Dr... by Niffiwan

Oh my how I laughed at this. Highly humorous and surreal. (Turn on subtitles from CC-button)
Sorry Brett, Cumberbatch, Downey Jr, Rathbone and the rest, we have a winner!

sunnuntai 17. kesäkuuta 2012

We want to lock you in our house / feed you with our spoon / we want to make you sing along

I've been bumping more and more into "how to care for your introvert" articles, pictures and comics, and they annoy the hell out of me. Let's take just one example.

In the next episode: How to Care for Hamsters

I am very introverted, and on the top of that, I'm the type of introvert who has no problem with isolating themselves from all and any social interaction. But I wouldn't, ever, expect someone to tiptoe around me just our of some misplaced respect for my "needs" as a introverted person. I don't need any of that stuff in the poster. I mean, what does some of them even mean? I know for a fact that if I start talking and no one interrupts me, I will talk till someones ears start bleeding. And then some more, just to get the point across. If I'm doing something wrong, I want to know about it now and not when you have the opportunity to speak to me in private. I don't get hurt very easily. Or embarrassed. But I do get confused if people act differently around me than they would around someone else.
Above everything else, I appreciate honesty in person. I don't see it as honesty if you change the way you behave around me just that you don't (and these are all quotes from care-for-your-introvert-guides) "scare me away" or "exhaust me with your company" We are all people here. I would hate it if people would treat me differently because I'm a girl, or an Atheist, or a person who likes colour grey. This also goes for me being introverted.
Also the thought that as a introvert I need someone to take care of me is total bullshit. If I need some time alone, I take some time alone. I am able to leave your presence if it exhausts me so much, you don't need to do this stuff for me. Chances are that you do it wrong anyway. By trying to respect introverts privacy and need to be alone from time to time you easily isolate them further and prevent them from forming a meaningful bond with you. Actually, the only thing I would put in these "care for your introvert" posters would be: Don't get offended. Yes, there are days when I rather stay at home reading a book than spend time with you. Get over it. I cancel and forget meetings all the time, not because I hate you, but because I can't be bothered. It's nothing personal (and it also makes me kind of an douche. Maybe you should get offended anyway.)

I can see where these guides come from, though. The dichotomy introvert/extrovert has been around from 70's, but the rising of the internet kind of gave introverts a channel to make contacts. At the same time, individualism made us all start to analyze ourselves, finding new ways to define the weird things we do and think. I think that these guides are just misplaced attempts to understand and cherish something that majority of population see different from themselves. And yet, we don't see any "how to care for homosexual" or "how to care for black person", because we can see outright that suggesting that those minorities need someone to take care for them is kind of racist. So, I appreciate the thought but just, don't. Please.

tiistai 12. kesäkuuta 2012

This was a triumph / I'm making a note here: huge success.

Because I'm bored beyond belief and had an sudden inspiration, here is my

Favourite video game characters of all time in no particular order.

GlaDos  from Portal and Portal 2

This really needs no explanation, right? She may have the very best lines in the history of video games, ever. Priceless gems like:

  • "Well done. Here come the test results: "You are a horrible person." That's what it says: a horrible person. We weren't even testing for that!
  • "He's not just a regular moron. He's the product of the greatest minds of a generation working together with the express purpose of building the dumbest moron who ever lived. And you just put him in charge of the entire facility. [slow clap] Good, that's still working."
I don't think that I have ever laughed when playing a video game as much as I did when I played Portal 2. And I sort of really love how they redeemed GlaDos in the end. (Oh, wait. Spoiler alert, I guess?) I sort of really might have cried a bit when she said that Chel was her best friend and then played some syrupy Spanish turret opera for her. And I'm also very giddy of the fact that she is a she. As in ex-woman current science crazed robot. So, GlaDos, you will always have a very special place in my heart.

Still alive.

King of All Cosmos from Katamari

If you haven't ever heard of Katamari, you are obviously a moron. It is a game where things with tube shaped heads and cone shaped bodies roll around a ball, and everything big enough sticks to it. When ball gets bigger, you can pick up bigger things. (Like planets and giant squids and sumo wrestlers. You know. Ordinary stuff.) It is all very cheery and colourful.
Then add bipolar and megalomaniac king who somehow fucks the whole universe up and leaves the mess for cylinder head who is supposedly his son, The Prince and his seemingly endless flock of cousins while he sleeps for the whole duration of the Katamari Damacy and bitches about everything. 
Oh, and did I mention that he is totally fabulous?

Gorgeous and knows it.

Varric from Dragon Age II

Yes, yes, I know, DAII is complete shit compared to Origins and the plot was actually three separate little plots glued together (it was) story didn't have any major elements that would have gave it depth and meaning, like in DA: O (True), but I stand by my opinion that the followers were ten times better than in DA: Origins, except for Anders, that bitch. They are caricatures, definitely, but they make me feel like screen writers have really put effort into their backgrounds and attitudes. (Unlike scary slave-followers in Skyrim; most of whom have about three lines that they will contently say over and over again 'till I freak out and kill them. Is it really any wonder that I prefer raising zombies for my minions over hearing yet again "I am sworn to carry your burdens"?) I didn't like any of the Dragon Age: Origins characters half as much than I liked all the DAII followers. 
Why Varric then, and not Merril or Fenris or Aveline or whoever? Merril had that mirror business that she took way too seriously, Fenris just man angsted through whole game, (but I'm ready to forgive a lot for that voice. If that voice could be made into liquid and bottled, I would bath in it.) Aveline had too strict morals, Isabel needed to learn that sexual innuendos will get boring after a while... and they all have that one tick that makes them totally freak out and, I don't know, blow up buildings maybe (Oops spoilers. Anders you bitch.)
Except for Varric. Varric is just cool and unfazed through it all, he has some moral backbone but not too much, and he prefers using his wits instead of just butting his head against things he can't change until he has hell of a headache. (Anders I'm looking at you) He is my DA II bro for life.

Also, chest hair.

John Marston from Red Dead Redemption

If I could, I would make an ode titled: O, John Marston, the only male video game protagonist who isn't 30-something white brunette. Except he is brunette. And white. And male. And I'm not really sure about his age. Moving on! What I mean is that he really isn't from that same cookie cutter than virtually every other video game protagonist. He really seems like he has seen life, been to places, gotten tired of it all and settled down, and then been dragged back to everything he wanted to leave behind. He is being blackmailed and used by the very people who have been the villains of his whole former life, but he does their bidding anyway, with honor and poise. Because it is the right thing to do. 
Only thing I ever resented in John Marston was Jack Marston. 

You don't want to mess with him.

Shaun Hastings from Assassins Creed (all of them) 

I have very complex relationship with Assassins Creed as a game series. Because I know that they are not the best games I have ever played. They don't have best plots or best game play or best graphics. But they are the only game that will make me go batshit insane every time I get that new AC game to my hands, and the only game that I hate coming to an end so, so much. Every time I get to the end of one of them, I sit there, watching the credits mind reeling for the fact that even if I can play it again and complete the rest of the small side quests, it won't be the same again as the first time I got that game through. And I'm devastated. Until they announce the next game. 
So I had to include it in this list somehow. Luckily, we have the sassy history geek with an British accent. I have adored that guy from the first time he said to Desmond: "Hi, Desmond. Go away." He is one of those guys I look at and think to myself: one day, I want to be just like him. He has a passion for history. He doesn't put up with any bullshit. On the minus side, he is about the only character in the whole series worth mentioning (Except for Da Vinci, who is worth mentioning because he is Da Vinci. I adore him, too.) 
So, I will wait for AC III eagerly partly because I want to bother Shaun again for ten minutes in hopes he will say something new to me like he did in AC II if I remember right. I was very upset when I didn't get to do that in Revelations.

Hello. Go away.

+ 1: Character I absolutely hated so much that I couldn't be bothered to play through otherwise good game.

Cole Phelps from L.A Noire

Cole Phelps is a textbook example of what happens when what I think I am clash with the character I'm supposed to play as. I liked the concept and execution of L.A Noire, I liked the period of time it was set in, hell, I even loved the soundtrack to bits. But. None of that helped, because I cringed every single time the character that was supposed to be me opened his mouth. He was stuck-up and tense (and figured out the crimes much slower than I did.) When I wanted to accuse the suspect of lying, he shouted at suspects face and behaved violently. That was so opposite of what my own behaviour would have been in a similar situation, that it made me feel slightly ill. He is good character, and I wouldn't have minded him if he wasn't the protagonist, but as it were, the character made it really difficult to get into the game. 
And the problem could have been resolved, if they would have given player a bit more free reins and an option be a bit less goody-two-shoes. You can't even properly run over people with car in this game for fucks sake!

Killjoy since '47

maanantai 11. kesäkuuta 2012

Hear the shimmy and the shake / From a futile war

Today, at work I found three post-it notes stuck to our ideas-list. I have no idea who wrote them. Anyway, here's what was in them, with typos and all:

"Maailmanloppu ei ala 2012 vaan III maailmansota terrorismin/koneita vastaan. Pohjoiskorea (:neokorealaisten) mukana on Kiina, Venäjä (:neuvostoliitto), Iraq, Iran, Afkanistan, Somalia, osa Amerikaa mistä sissit ja Kuuba tulee. Neo CCCP Copra. Varautakaa siihen jos aijotte selvitä siitä tulevastta taistelussa. 
 Translation: The end of the world doesn't begin 2012, but the World War III, against terrorism/machines.  With North Korea (:Neo Koreans) are China, Russia (Soviet Union), Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Somalia, the part of America where partisans and Cuba come from. Neo CCCP Copra. Be prepared for that if you want to survive the battle that will come.

I now have newly found respect for my co-workers. I'm also dying to know who wrote this.

sunnuntai 10. kesäkuuta 2012

I'm ready for the fight / and faith

I am excited. 

Snorted at the eagle tho.
Please please please don't let them make it into nationalist crap.

lauantai 9. kesäkuuta 2012

Don’t believe everything that you breathe

Ok, so sometimes I think stuff. Sometimes me thinking stuff results in wild theories crazy enough to rival Scientologists. This one theory I have is titled fancily:

The Gaia / Pandora theory

As every human being not living in a barrel, I have seen the movie Avatar, which has some pretty interesting ideas when you ignore the plot, the characters and the neon CGI-animals. Mainly, the nerve system that connects all living beings at the planet Pandora to the very core of the planet so that everything lives in perfect harmony and love and all that hippie stuff the humans in the movie want to destroy so badly. 
So I started thinking, where it came from? (And no I don't care if James Cameron has some theory of his own that can be found from some special-edition blueray's extra materials. I like my theory just fine.) 
The other product of pop culture I have abused in this theory is DCs graphic novel Swamp Thing. For those who have not read it, the swamp thing came into being in a lab explosion, where scientist Alex dies. Alex's body is thrown into the swamp with the super plant fertilizer, which somehow makes plants to digest Alex's body and form a creature, who believes that he is Alex. But he is not. He is mass of intelligent plant mass with cauliflower brain, and emotions, and this is the important part, the memory of everything Alex had ever experienced or learned.     
Lets throw in the final component of my theory, that is, the entropy principle. According to the principle, the amount of chaos in universe is always a) greater than amount of order b)always increasing. Fire is good, tangible example of this. Fire renders simple wood into ash, heat and light. The reason we see time passing as we do is because of entropy: bodies decomposing, turning into earth. Wine glass shatters into pieces when it hits hard surface. It never goes other way round.


The reason the entropy principle has to be taken into this mess, well. Lets suppose that at some distant point in future our planet achieves the perfect state of chaos. In order for my theory to work, this would have mean that every organic being in earth would have lived, died and been decomposed into dirt. Of course my theory only works if all beings do die, leaving no offspring and I'm not sure why that would happen. Gross crossbreeding leading to creatures unsuited for life maybe?

So now we have that planet in a perfect state of chaos, covered in dirt that contains every organic being that has ever lived. Do you see what I'm trying to suggest here? Okay, now add the sentiment plant creature
that build itself from organic waste and nerve system of a dead man. What I'm saying is, that that dirt would somehow start to grow nerves, feeding from experiences and memories of every thing that has ever been alive. And so we would have super intelligent planet-encompassing nerve system that probably would start to spawn it's own (blue) life. Neat.

It's probably worth mentioning though, that I don't actually believe in any of this stuff. As I said in a beginning, sometimes my brain takes me to strange places and I'm first to admit the flaws of my theory.

perjantai 8. kesäkuuta 2012

The Killers Career

Ashes of Time Redux was great many things, but easy to follow was not one of them. I finished watching it ten minutes ago but I haven't decided yet if I liked it or not. On the other hand, there was drama, (so much drama!) all the women seemed to have a compulsion to rub against random objects like horses, trees and walls, and some of the lines seemed like something taken out of Zen for Dummies-book. But in usual Wong Kar Wai fashion, this movie was so pretty that it hurts. Everything had soft, dreamlike quality to them, bright colours, interesting camera angles and all. Pretty pretty pretty.
I think I even got the plot alright after I figured out that the narrator changes every once and a while without any warning.
Oh, and there was a woman with Multiple Persona Disorder whose other me was a man. Question: Does that mean that she was transgender?   

So pretty you never want to see anything else ever again.

keskiviikko 6. kesäkuuta 2012

And try one, and try two

MURDER from Yang Tzu Ting on Vimeo.

This is very cool.

There was a time when I wanted to be a animator. Then I did couple of animations and realized just how much work goes into two minutes of crap, not to mention something totally awesome like the video above. I realized that I don't have original ideas, or any ideas at all and my talent is more in pulling other people's shit together and not in doing shit of my own. This was not a depressing thought, and I had new dream profession the very next week.

Actually, just repeat the process described above about 200 times, and you have my life in a nutshell. Thnx bye.

tiistai 5. kesäkuuta 2012

I don't want him you can have him / He's not worth fighting for / Besides there's plenty more where he came from

That awkward moment when you realize while stalking the friend of your friends whom you have never met blog that they are wearing your sweater in over half of their pictures.

My sweater has more friends than I.


sunnuntai 3. kesäkuuta 2012

Trying to make sense of what they call wisdom

Just casually adding this here so I might remember it next time I rage-quit one of my art courses.
There is more of this awesomeness here

lauantai 2. kesäkuuta 2012

If it’s out of key well nobody’s perfect.

I have a hiccup and it's annoying as hell.
Anyway, what I really wanted to say is congratulations for all those non-failing students who graduated today. Honestly, I have no idea how you did it and it must be cool to be able to finish something on planned schedule. Must be very gratifying and all. I haven't ever managed it, though.

I went to two graduation parties, and managed to give a spontaneous lecture on growth of human brain and evolution, rhetoric, schooling system, absolutism and brief history of philosophy to unsuspecting guy over twice my age who half of the time had no idea what I was talking about. I'd call it a success. It also tells a sad tale about my social skills.

There is a point to this story, that is, how utterly and absolutely happy I am that I am not graduating right now. I have no clue what I am going to do after Upper Secondary. Sure I have plenty of options, good enough brain and motivation to apply for University of Helsinki. Question is, which line? What do I want to study to unforeseeable future, spend hours and hours reading and arguing about, when everything is so damn interesting? My failing as a student ironically gives me a kind of head start to my future studies and gives me time to sort out what I actually want in life.

Until I figure it out, I have this website to keep me company:

perjantai 1. kesäkuuta 2012

Never trust a man in a blue trench coat.

let's get this thing started. I am not new to blogosphere by any means, but with Dot I'm trying a few new things. Firstly: the language. English is not my first language and therefore anything written here will be a bit more unpolished than anything else I might publish. For some reason I am more comfortable when writing in English: I don't sensor myself as much as I do with my first language, Finnish. Any mistakes are either me being sloppy with keyboard or me being floppy with grammar which is still a stranger to me.

I am failing student, bad artist, lazy photographer, passionate anglophile/bibliophile/gamer/amateur philosopher/historian/geek, and I am very fond of science, books, graphic novels, art, technology and very dry humor. All these will be making appearances in the Dot. I might occasionally fangirl very unattractively about Sherlock, Neil Gaiman, The Avengers, Doctor Who, Stephen Fry, and games that will be published somewhere between very soon and too-fucking-late, like Assassins Creed III and Dishonored. My current gamer obsession is Skyrim, because I might have gotten it half a year later than anyone else. Sucks to be me.  
The face behind the text. Also, check out my goggles.